replacement insole recommendations?
2012-03-14 12:39:30 UTC
I've managed to pound flat the original insoles of my hiking boots.

I've tried the "SuperFeet Green", even on sale they were expensive and I can't say I'm enthusiastic about them, have also tried some of the Dr. Sholls which started out well but didn't last very long.

What do y'all like?

Karl Gottshalk
2012-03-14 12:47:46 UTC
I've had good luck with Spenco insoles. A lot of shoe stores carry them.
Post by jrwooden
I've managed to pound flat the original insoles of my hiking boots.
I've tried the "SuperFeet Green", even on sale they were expensive and I
can't say I'm enthusiastic about them, have also tried some of the Dr.
Sholls which started out well but didn't last very long.
Post by jrwooden
What do y'all like?
Maria Nobles
2012-03-14 14:27:07 UTC
Sole heat modable orthotics. They are fairly inexpensive, I think 39.99 per pair and they last for 6 months. There are many different kinds for different types of footwear - the webstite is very helpful in helping you choose the correct one according to activity type and footwear.
They manage to give the right amount of support without being too hard like superfeet. They are heat modable, meaning you put them in the oven at a certain temp and time and then in shoe - you stand with feet in shoes as per directions for 2 minutes and they mold to you shape arch, etc.
I have some pretty finicky dogs (feet) and these have solved my feet problems.

--- On Wed, 3/14/12, Karl Gottshalk <kgottshalk-***@public.gmane.org> wrote:

From: Karl Gottshalk <kgottshalk-***@public.gmane.org>
Subject: Re: [BackpackingLight] replacement insole recommendations?
To: "BackpackingLight-***@public.gmane.org" <BackpackingLight-***@public.gmane.org>
Date: Wednesday, March 14, 2012, 12:47 PM


I've had good luck with Spenco insoles. A lot of shoe stores carry them.
Post by jrwooden
I've managed to pound flat the original insoles of my hiking boots.
I've tried the "SuperFeet Green", even on sale they were expensive and I can't say I'm enthusiastic about them, have also tried some of the Dr. Sholls which started out well but didn't last very long.
What do y'all like?
2012-03-15 13:42:06 UTC
Soles were also the key for my finicky dogs.
Bill S.

--- On Wed, 3/14/12, Maria Nobles <hilltackler09-/***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
Sole heat modable orthotics. {snip{
I have some pretty finicky dogs (feet) and these have solved my feet problems.
2012-03-15 17:25:16 UTC
I heartily agree with Maria. Sole are the best insoles I've ever used. They prevent foot soreness way more than so-called SuperFeet (which I hate), and last longer than my lightweight boots (around 700 miles or so). They're color-coded according to intended use. I've used the blue Soles with packs weighing 30 to 68 pounds (the latter when carrying three gallons of water on off-trail desert backpacks and before I substituted ultra-light gear for some of my heavier legacy items).

I can't recommend Sole insoles enough. Worth every penny.

Post by Maria Nobles
Sole heat modable orthotics. They are fairly inexpensive, I think 39.99 per pair and they last for 6 months.
2012-03-16 13:13:27 UTC
Thanks ....
Funny story ... this past spring I tried a set of one of the "ProFoot" brnad inserts .... they worked great but didn't last long ... the box said "satisfaction guranteed ...." I sent them an e-mail they said they were sorry and that they'd send me a free pair of their newest product, the ProFoot "Workaday gel insoles" ... ok ...

Well fast forward something like six months and ... guess what showed up in last night's mail.... ;-)

At 2 oz each, they weigh about the same as the SuperFeet inserts.
Since they were free, I'm going to try them, if it doesn't work out I'll be getting some Soles next!


Ralph Oborn
2012-03-14 16:54:06 UTC
I've used the same pair of Birkenstock inserts daily for 10 years.....
Post by jrwooden
I've managed to pound flat the original insoles of my hiking boots.
I've tried the "SuperFeet Green", even on sale they were expensive and I can't say I'm enthusiastic about them, have also tried some of the Dr. Sholls which started out well but didn't last very long.
What do y'all like?
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2012-03-14 17:42:35 UTC
Custom orthotics the VA made for me.
Cost $0.00

Post by jrwooden
I've managed to pound flat the original insoles of my hiking boots.
I've tried the "SuperFeet Green", even on sale they were expensive and I
can't say I'm enthusiastic about them, have also tried some of the Dr.
Sholls which started out well but didn't last very long.
What do y'all like?
Jerry Goller
2012-03-14 17:45:41 UTC
Yeah, that is where I get mine. But I also put 2 or 3 original Spenco
inserts over them. My feet are pretty screwed up.


http://www.backpackgeartest.org/: the most comprehensive interactive gear
reviews on the planet.

-----Original Message-----
From: BackpackingLight-***@public.gmane.org
[mailto:BackpackingLight-***@public.gmane.org] On Behalf Of Ken
Sent: Wednesday, March 14, 2012 11:43
To: BackpackingLight-***@public.gmane.org
Subject: Re: [BackpackingLight] replacement insole recommendations?

Custom orthotics the VA made for me.
Cost $0.00

Post by jrwooden
I've managed to pound flat the original insoles of my hiking boots.
I've tried the "SuperFeet Green", even on sale they were expensive and
I can't say I'm enthusiastic about them, have also tried some of the Dr.
Sholls which started out well but didn't last very long.
What do y'all like?

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2012-03-15 13:08:02 UTC
Thanks all!

I'll give them a go!

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