2012-03-24 15:00:33 UTC
Anyone have one of these? How much does it weigh (with everything you
use to pack it in)? To boil water, this thing becomes the container for
the boiled water, so you don't need a pot, right? You just pour the
boiling water into your plastic bag and you're done. Right?
Sent to you by Roleigh via Google Reader: A new lightweight backpacking
stove â the Backcountry Boiler ⢠via New York Outdoors Blog by
newyorkoutdoors on 3/24/12
The Backcountry Boiler ⢠evolution.
Devin Montgomeryâ invented and designed one of the worldâs first
lightweight chimney kettles: the Backcountry Boiler â¢. Chimney kettles
are not new, but the ultra-light approach is new. The product is unique
and growing in popularity. It successfully funded on Kickstarter. Click
here to read about the Backcountry Boiler â¢.
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use to pack it in)? To boil water, this thing becomes the container for
the boiled water, so you don't need a pot, right? You just pour the
boiling water into your plastic bag and you're done. Right?
Sent to you by Roleigh via Google Reader: A new lightweight backpacking
stove â the Backcountry Boiler ⢠via New York Outdoors Blog by
newyorkoutdoors on 3/24/12
The Backcountry Boiler ⢠evolution.
Devin Montgomeryâ invented and designed one of the worldâs first
lightweight chimney kettles: the Backcountry Boiler â¢. Chimney kettles
are not new, but the ultra-light approach is new. The product is unique
and growing in popularity. It successfully funded on Kickstarter. Click
here to read about the Backcountry Boiler â¢.
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